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How Do You Login With God

Practically everything thing we do on our phone and on our computing device requires a user ID and/or Password. The problem however is that we create passwords that we forget or cannot find when we need it. We write it down somewhere we just don't always remember where. Partly because we don't use them enough.

The Psalmist said in chapter 3:3-4, "But thou, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah." I love technology but God is light years ahead of technology. In Psalms chapter 3 above the psalmist said he cried unto the Lord with his voice and the Lord heard him. He did not have to remember a user Id or Password because our access to God is voice activated. This voice recognition took place at birth, that is your natural birth into this world and your rebirth when you gave your life to the Lord through salvation!

No password needed just cry out to the Lord and he will hear you. An added bonus to the process is the that his system never shuts down on us!


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