Lack And Poverty Is Not Our Destiny
I often hear people say, “I’m on a fixed income”. Think about what you just said. Yes you may be retired, receiving your pension, social...
By Design
A good coach, during crunch time, calls a time-out and design a play to hopefully win the contest. We may not want to accept it, but the...
Write it Down!
The problem with history is simple, most of it is forgotten because it was not recorded during the moment or shortly thereafter. The...
Intrinsic Value Versus Assigned Value
The value of a ten dollar bill is assigned value. Not because it worth ten dollars worth of paper that would be a stack of paper. ...
The Fight Is Fixed!
Have you ever witnessed a one sided fight where one person was clearly undersized and not match for the other person? In most cases, the...
What’s wrong with the church?
Too many Christians today find themselves asking questions like, “where is the church”, “what’s wrong with the church”, or “I don’t see...
What’s Up?
Whenever we hear this phrase, we think of a few responses. What’s up may mean; · What are you doing? · How are you doing? · What are you...
Getting Up Refreshed Everyday
One of the keys to starting the day off right is to close the previous day correctly. When the Lord wakes us to a brand new day, we...
Weekly Pledge
This week I challenge you to enhance your spiritual life. In fact, I pledge to do these things on a weekly basis and pray that you do the...
What’s Love got to do with it?
The apostle Paul made it crystal clear. Everything we do within the kingdom of God, must be enveloped with LOVE. We can be the most...